Patrick is AlpInvest Partners’ Chief Legal Officer for Europe and Asia. He joined the firm in 2002 from law firm Steins Bisschop Meijburg & Co., where he was a corporate partner responsible for a transactional legal team. Previously, Patrick was a senior transaction lawyer with Loyens & Loeff. During this time, he served for three years as Off Counsel with Ali Budiardjo Nugroho Reksodiputro, Jakarta. Patrick received a BA in modern history, a LL.M. in Dutch private law from the University of Utrecht and a LL.M. in European and International Tax Law from the University of Amsterdam. Patrick is a member of the Netherlands Association of Company Lawyers and the Amsterdam Bar Association.
Our people - Legal + Tax
Our people – Legal + Tax

Patrick de van der Schueren

Marc Rademakers
Marc is AlpInvest Partners’ Tax Counsel and responsible for advising the firm’s deal teams on all tax related issues. He joined AlpInvest Partners in 2004 from Ernst & Young, where he was a senior manager on the international tax M&A team. Previously, he was an assistant manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers. Marc received an LL.M. in Tax Law from the University of Amsterdam.

Michael Thorne
Michael is a Chief Legal Officer based in the New York office and responsible for advising the firm’s deal teams on legal documentation and related issues. He joined AlpInvest Partners in 2014 from Morgan Lewis, where he was a lawyer in the private investment funds practice, advising private equity and hedge fund clients. Michael received a J.D. from Boston University School of Law.